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  • How to Choose the Best Place in Yard to Plant Elderberry

How to Choose the Best Place in Yard to Plant Elderberry

Michael Gonzales
December 23, 2023

Elderberry plants are generally easy to care for and adapt well to various environmental conditions, from moderately wet soils in full sun or part shade to poorer ones that need amendment. Test the pH level in your soil and amend if necessary with organic material.

Plant bare root elderberries in either spring or fall once frost risk has subsided, and soak their roots for at least an hour to hydrate them before planting.


Elderberries thrive in sun to part-shade areas with slightly acidic soils, from direct sun to part shade areas and are best planted near windows or on walls. Drought-tolerant planting sites should be chosen, ideally with good drainage; have the soil tested beforehand in order to determine any necessary amendments like compost or rich soil enhancers like organic mulches that boost nutrient levels and aim for an ideal pH range of 5.5-6.6 for these shrubs.

Sambucus plants, like elderberries, are remarkably tough and adaptable. Native habitat for this family of shrubs includes moist areas like stream banks and ditches; you will often see these shrubs growing wild in muddy patches overgrown with other flowers and plants. No matter where you decide to plant one, however, they quickly establish themselves into thickets that become either beautiful landscape features or ongoing nuisances.

Maintaining the rapid growth of these shrubs can be challenging, but achievable through regular pruning. When planting a new elderberry bush, remove ground-level suckers at the base of existing stems in order to give space and sunlight for its development. You could also add mulch like wood chips or rotted hay as a moisture retention method and increase soil fertility.

As spring is the optimal time to plant bare-root elderberries, this will allow them to become established before winter’s chill sets in. Fall planting may also be possible in climates with harsh winters; just ensure that any frost risks have passed before proceeding with any planting efforts.

If you purchase dormant bare-root elderberries from a nursery, planting can begin as soon as they’re ready to be transplanted into soil – which could happen as early as late winter depending on your climate. When purchasing established potted plants or pre-potted ones from other suppliers, be sure to read and follow any provided planting instructions to see if current weather conditions would allow transplanting successfully.


Elderberries are low-maintenance plants that thrive in any type of soil, although they require an ample supply of water to thrive. Elderberries prefer well-draining loamy soil with plenty of humus and an ideal pH range between 5.5 to 6.5; sandy soil dries out too quickly without providing enough nutrition; amendment of soil with compost or peat moss will provide extra humus while mulch will keep moisture at bay and reduce weed growth.

When planting bare-root elderberries, create a hole twice the width and depth of their rootball, plus 2 inches. Break up compacted soil around roots, lightly tamp it down, add compost or general fertilizer such as our Plantura All Purpose Compost to promote healthy root development, water the hole well before placing the shrub, water well after placing, then light tamp again afterwards to encourage healthy roots growth. Spread a layer of mulch such as wood chips or shredded leaves afterward to retain moisture while preventing weeds from competing with berries.

If you want to take cuttings from live elderberries in order to propagate new plants, the ideal time is early spring between January and March. Select a 6 to 8-inch branch with four buds on its diagonal cut it on an angle before submerging the stem in water for at least 12 hours before inserting them in soil or purchasing young potted elderberries from a nursery for quick start up.

Commercially purchased elderberries require another variety of the plant to serve as pollinator in order to produce fruits in sufficient numbers, though planting seeds will produce fruit but may require more care and may not come true to type. Furthermore, pests like aphids and caterpillars that feed off leaves and stems as well as elder shoot borer that tunnels into bark may pose issues; regular mowing and weeding will reduce these issues; alternatively organic weed and insecticide sprays may help get rid of any issues as needed.


Elderberries thrive under full sunlight or partial shade conditions, yet still require specific environmental conditions to thrive. Elderberries prefer cooler sites with moist-to-wet soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5 and should ideally have good drainage to prevent waterlogging and erosion; using ridge or berm planting techniques is recommended to increase drainage capacity and ensure successful plant establishment.

Elderberries tend to be low maintenance plants that don’t require too much extra care once established; however, they do need moisture. Although heavy clay soil may work just fine for them, looser, well-draining soil with adequate drainage would prevent root rot. Elderberries require moderately acidic soil conditions for best growth in most climates as long as summer temperatures don’t become excessively hot or dry.

Due to their shallow roots, elderberry plants may be susceptible to competition from weeds for water and nutrients. Weeds should be managed using shallow cultivation or mulching without disturbing their shallow roots; an addition of organic matter and an annual application of fertilizer in early spring are highly recommended as means for controlling them.

Elderberries can be an enjoyable addition to the garden for gardeners who appreciate birds; especially Cardinals and Grosbeaks who find shelter while feasting on the delicious fruits. Their dense growth habit provides the ideal environment for them to feed on this delicacy in safety.

Elderberries thrive in many climate zones, from cool northern zones to warm western ones, spreading through birds. You’re more likely to succeed at growing elderberries in your own backyard if you prepare the soil well by adding organic matter or manure, while clearing away perennial weeds from its surface layer and adding layers of mulch (hay or straw are great options) which can control weeds while conserving moisture.


Elderberries can become unruly quickly if left untamed, so annual pruning is necessary for keeping them under control and encouraging fruit production. Pruning should begin in late winter or early spring before the plant emerges from dormancy, with dead or damaged wood removed and canopy opening up for air circulation. For the first year after planting, only mature canes that bore fruit should be pruned, while suckers developed around their bases should be removed as suckers develop at an increased rate. For subsequent years after that, pruning out brittle canes then thin out remaining canes so one-year old lateral branches can replace them all to ensure quality berries while healthy productive plant.

As with other plants, elderberries require proper mulching and fertilization in order to thrive. Organic mulch will help retain soil moisture levels while fertilization will provide essential nutrient supplements. In addition, mulching and composting help reduce fungal disease such as powdery mildew which may occur under wet weather conditions.

Sambucus canadensis, the American species of Sambucus, is an ubiquitous shrub found across a range of natural environments including riversides, roadways and wooded marshes as well as moist woodlands and marshes. Additionally, this perennial flowering shrub makes an easy choice to add beauty and nourishment for birds in your garden or simply as decorative foliage!

For optimal results, elderberry plants should be planted in soil that drains well while providing plenty of organic matter and nutrition. Loamy soil is ideal, though any well-draining medium will work if you add amendments such as organic matter to it each year and mulch heavily to add moisture and nutrients. Also be sure to water deeply and frequently (but without allowing the ground to completely dry out between watering sessions), in order to encourage deep root development while discouraging fungal diseases that might otherwise develop more easily in dry conditions.


  • Michael Gonzales

    Michael has a diverse set of skills and passions, with a full-time career as an airline pilot and a dedicated focus on health and fitness consulting. He understands the importance of balancing a busy lifestyle with maintaining a healthy mind and body, and is committed to helping others achieve the same success. Michael's expertise in health and fitness is not just limited to physical training, but also extends to nutrition, stress management, and overall wellbeing. He takes a holistic approach to health and fitness, helping clients to achieve their goals in a sustainable and fulfilling way. With a strong desire to inspire and motivate others, Michael is always ready to share his time and knowledge with those who seek his guidance. Whether in the air or on the ground, Michael is dedicated to helping others live their best lives.

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